Exploring Prophetic Mysteries

 With Daniel Speck 4.30.11


The Pre-Wrath Rapture


The Pre-Wrath Rapture theory is probably the most popular of the Post-Tribulation Rapture theories today, although it is rejected by most Evangelical Christians, the vast majority who still believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. The Pre-Wrath Rapture theory is similar but not identical to the Seventh Trumpet Rapture doctrine.  


The major points of the Pre-Wrath Rapture theory


1. The Rapture will occur near the end of the seven year Tribulation Period.


2. The Tribulation is not the Wrath of God as taught by Pre-Tribulation Rapture advocates.


3. The Day of the Lord does not begin until after the heavenly signs and the Second Coming.


4. The Rapture will occur at the Sixth Seal and before the Seven Trumpets.


5. The Second Coming is a singular event, not an Appearance/Rapture then a permanent return later.


6. Michael is the Restrainer of II Thessalonians 2.



What is correct about the Pre-Wrath Rapture theory


1. Places Christ’s coming on the clouds and the Rapture at (or near) the end of the Tribulation.


2. Points out that the seven year Tribulation is neither the Wrath of God nor the Day of the Lord.


3. Refutes absolute immanence, an invisible Coming, and the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.


4. Places the Appearance of Christ on the clouds and Rapture at the Sixth Seal.



Where the Pre-Wrath Rapture theory falls short


1. Ignores the Rapture as a Last Trumpet event as clearly stated in I Corinthians 15:51-52.


2. Misses the point that the completion of the Mystery of God, which is the Church, occurs at the Seventh Trumpet (Revelation 10:6-7).


3. Fails to understand the prophetic types of the Battle of Jericho where Rahab as the Gentile Bride is not taken out until after the seventh trumpet on the seventh day.


4. Erroneously insists that Michael the Archangel is the Restrainer of II Thessalonians 2.


5. Places the Rapture at the Sixth Seal but before the Seventh Trumpet, when in fact the Sixth Seal and Seven Trumpets are concurrent and describe the same events.


6. Teaches the Second Coming as a singular event instead of  the Appearance/Rapture followed later by a permanent return.



Is the difference between the Pre-Wrath and Seventh Trumpet Rapture significant enough to be concerned about?


For most practical purposes, believing in a Pre-Wrath Rapture is not a significant problem unless you wish to really understand the specifics and the deeper meaning of the prophetic Scriptures as they reveal the true nature of Christ’s two-event Coming, the Rapture, the Last Trumpet, the Mystery of God, the Restrainer, and the prophetic types of the Battle of Jericho.





The Pre-Wrath Rapture theory is correct in stating that the Rapture will be a late Tribulation event and that the Tribulation is neither the Wrath of God nor the Day of the Lord. It erroneously places the Rapture at the Sixth Seal but not at the Seventh Trumpet and fails to understand that the Second Coming will not occur as a singular event but as the Appearance/Rapture followed later by a permanent return of Jesus Christ. Many Pre-Wrath advocates also misidentify the Restrainer as Michael the Archangel and ignore the significance of the Last Trumpet, the Mystery of God, and the prophetic types in the Battle of Jericho.


See also: The Seventh Trumpet Rapture, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture  and The Restrainer




© Daniel Speck 4.30.11


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