Exploring Prophetic Mysteries
With Daniel Speck 7.20.10
The Seven Thunders
The Seven Thunders is a mystery within a mystery, one of the rare secrets spoken of but not revealed in the Scriptures; a puzzle that many scholars down through the ages have attempted to solve by so many different theories.
I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud; and the
rainbow was upon his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars
of fire; and he had in his hand a little book which was open. He placed his right
foot on the sea and his left on the land; and he cried out with a loud voice, as
when a lion roars; and when he had cried out, the seven peals of thunder uttered
their voices. When the seven peals of thunder had spoken, I was about to write; and
I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Seal up the things which the seven peals of
thunder have spoken and do not write them.” Revelation 10:1-
Up to this point, the book of Revelation has described all of the many events that will take place as the Scroll’s Seven Seals are opened by the Lord one by one. Then the mighty angel who has the glory of the Lord Jesus Himself roars like a lion and the Seven Thunders raise their voices. John is privileged to hear what they say, but we are not. He is told not to write it down. For thousands of years this message from the future has been kept secret.
Two questions naturally follow this mystery: What will the Seven Thunders say and why was John not allowed to tell us? But another question may be, “Is this something that is important for us to know today?” Daniel is told, “Conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time.” Daniel 12:4. It seems that John was instructed to do the same. If we are very near that long awaited end, it may be time to find out exactly what the Seven Thunders will say.
The context
A list of facts surrounding this event can provide important clues about the Seven Thunders.
Thunder speaks of judgment, wrath, and His coming
Thunder is the sound of the approaching judgment of God (Revelation 16:18, Isaiah 29:6). The Seven Thunders are the warning of the coming judgment that is about to be poured out on the Beast and his kingdom starting with the Seven Golden Bowls of God’s Wrath. The Mighty Angel roars like a lion just as the Lord Jesus will when He returns as the Lion of Judah, the conquering King who comes to judge the world. The Seven Thunders raise their voices to reveal a mystery that even the Church has not been allowed to hear. The number seven suggests a complete and perfect judgment.
A legal judgment requires that the condemned person be identified
When a court condemns a criminal, the person’s name is read and the complete sentence is publicly announced. This is a simple but absolutely necessary legal requirement to insure that everyone understands who the condemned person is and exactly what their sentence will be. The same must be true of the Antichrist. When judgment on the Beast is formally announced by the Seven Thunders, legal protocol requires that he be officially identified.
The Seven Thunders may reveal the true identity of the Beast
The key to understanding the Seven Thunders is knowing exactly what is occurring
when they raise their voices. This is the moment of the great unveiling. The mystery
of Christ and the Church is finally revealed for everyone in the world to see. As
Why John was not allowed to write down what the Seven Thunders said
What we haven’t known and what John was told to seal up so no one would know until
the great unveiling, is the identity of the Antichrist. That is must remain a mystery
to the world so that he can continue to have the power deceive all who did not believe
the truth of the Gospel (II Thessalonians 2:10-
The Seven Thunders and the Mystery of God
The Mighty Angel goes on to say, “...there will be no further delay, but in the days
of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, then the mystery of
God is finished, as He preached to His servants the prophets.” Revelation 10:6-
So what is the name of the Beast the Seven Thunders will reveal?
The unbelieving world is not to know the real name or identity of the Beast until
it is too late, but there are clues to what it might be. The most important one is
that his name will be associated with the number of the Beast, 666 (Revelation 13:16-
The connection between the Restrainer and the Seven Thunders
The Apostle Paul says of the Restrainer, “...he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.” II Thessalonians 2:7. As detailed in the article about the Restrainer, this is actually the Mystery of Lawlessness or the Mystery of Iniquity, which is the ability of Satan to deceive the world so the Antichrist will be not be revealed (exposed) until he (the Restrainer) is taken out of the way.
And you know what restrains him (the Antichrist) now, so that in his time, he will
be revealed. For the Mystery of Lawlessness (the Restrainer) is already at work;
only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. Then the lawless
one will be revealed... II Thessalonians 2:6-
When the Restrainer is taken out of the way by the appearance of Christ on the clouds,
Satan will no longer have the ability to deceive the world, and so the Seven Thunders
will reveal the identity of the Beast for all the world to hear, but it will be too
late for the vast majority of the world’s population because most unbelievers will
carry the Mark of the Beast. No repentance is possible for anyone wearing the Mark,
but only the terror of a certain impending judgment (Revelation 6:15-
What John is not allowed to write down, the voice of Seven Thunders, are most likely proclaiming judgment on the Beast and so must identify exactly who he is. When the Lord Jesus appears on the clouds and the rapture of the Church takes place at the Seventh Trumpet, the Mystery of God as well as the Mystery of Iniquity are finished. Who God is, who God’s people really are, as well as the true identity of the Beast will be revealed to all the world. The Restrainer and the Seven Thunders are connected in that when the Restrainer is taken out of the way, the identity of the Beast will also be revealed by the Seven Thunders. The exact name of the Antichrist remains a mystery, but it may be possible that the Lord will let the Church in the Last Days know what it is before the world realizes it.
See also The Mighty Angel, The Little Open Scroll, and The Restrainer
© Daniel Speck 7.20.10
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